Matthew is a self-assured individual. Doesn’t need outside validation. He knows where he is going in life and is focused on getting what he wants despite what may show on surface level.
He is a man that has a curious mind, likes to try new things & open to adventures. He is a dependable person and honours his word which he learnt from his parents.
At one point in his life though, Matthew became preoccupied with working on his business, going to the gym, five year plans that he neglected his mental well-being, relationships with family and friends, and stopped living in the now. It was only after a close friend from school invited him to a personal development event, that Matthew realised his world he had created had cracks and he needed to use the tools from mentors to rebuild, reset his life. Now he continually upgrades his life, by tapping in to the personal development events and studies which he is very passionate about.
We learn that he meets Jennifer at a personal development event that runs over a weekend. The two seem to have a connection.
Why would you think a person like Matthew would feel the need to continually attend personal development events?
Why do you think Matthew has not let his past failed relationship, grip him with fear, as we witness him asking Jennifer out on a date?
Why do you think Matthew would put the effort in to highlighting to Jennifer of the language that is not serving her well?
What language/actions are you using that may not be serving you well? How can you help yourself, to change this behaviour?