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A lovable rogue hence the reason Jennifer, our main character, has fallen in love with him.  Jennifer approached James to be her lover as she did not want a serious relationship at this moment in time after her divorce.
James is intelligent, witty and yet no one really knows anything about his private life.  He has the capacity to lure women in with his charm.  He seems to attract broken women and tends to nurture them to build up their self-confidence.
He isn’t the best looking guy in the room, but he’s bright enough to use his wit to gain attention, especially from the ladies.  He really is a showman and likes to draw an audience.
He is very happy to be on his own island.
His behaviour amongst male friends, his jokes are quite childish, embarrassing for both the female he is making the remark at and those who are in his company.  He acts like a naughty boy in a school yard.  
James is the type of guy who is active on social media.  Happy to engage on Facebook, knows what is happening in people’s lives.  He, himself, shares quotes, funny video clips and that is about it.   He is an incredibly private person.  Our audience like Jennifer, never gets to truly know him.  
  • Why do you think James, as an adult still acts like a child?
  • Why do you think a man like James seems to continually attract broken women? 
  • Why do you think he tries to nurture them with their confidence?
  • What is it about his behaviour that you think James would operate in this way?  How can it be changed?
  • Why does a person like James interact on social media, yet gives nothing away?  
  • James behaviour once upon a time may have been acceptable, but not in the times we are living in now.  He would benefit from being involved with   to learn new ways of dealing with women.   How do you think a friend could encourage James to engage with this organisation?



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